Heim Cemetery History
Sidewalk from town of Dawson, Nebraska to the Heim Cemetery
By Bob Williamson, Sexton

Dawson, Nebraska to the Heim Cemetery.

Mrs. Marie Clark and Mr. Henry A. Georgi, retired post master of Dawson, and a Pennsylvania colony member, discuss the old hand poured sidewalk from the village to the Heim cemetery seen over the hill in the background. Both are since deceased and are resting peacefully in the cemetery to the north.
There are 192 sidewalk squares in the walk from the town of Dawson, Nebraska to the Heim Cemetery. They were purchased for $1.00 per square. The squares were hand mixed and poured in 1914. At that time the Heim Cemetery Ladies Auxiliary supported the cemetery with many fund raising drives. After a memorial service, the procession of mourners walked from the Evangelical Church in town, north to the cemetery. Pallbearers and flower attendants carried the heavy casket and flowers, over the eighth of a mile path. When needed they would take a rest, placing the casket upon a pair of sawhorses, which are still in the furnace room of the church today. The community gladly accepted the auxiliary’s idea that a nice cement sidewalk could be built. Bob Williamson, current Sexton, did the following research. Many of the squares have cracked with time, and a few of the donor’s names are unable to be read. However, the walk is in general good repair thanks to the Dawson DCIP Organization, which took upon the task to clean away the grass and dirt that had buried parts of the walk through the years. It is hoped that some repairs can be made and the sidewalk can be returned to the 1914 grandeur! Following are the donor’s names as they appear on the sidewalk to this day…106 years later. |
1. IOOF Lodge No. 337 2. E. C. Hill Sr. 3. ADUW No. 201 4. ? 5. D. F. Harbough 6. D. F. Harbough 7. Ira L. Draper 8. Ira L. Draper 9. W. B. Alexander 10. Thomas Wilkinson 11. Thomas Wilkinson 12. Smith Buser Co. 13. Smith Buser Co. 14. Smith Buser Co. 15. Smith Buser Co. 16. Kinsey & Son 17. S. J. Ulmer 18. John Young 19. J. H. Bradley 20. M. J. Byrne 21. Dan J. Riley 22. Dawson Bank 23. C.M. Cooper 24. E.A. Kemist 25. E. A. Kemist 26. ? 27. ? 28. Minnie Rutz 29. E. N. Steininger 30. M. V. Riley 31. J. J. Klina 32. Max Georgi 33. S. P. Wagner 34. George Smith 35. John J. Heim 36. W. J. Quinlan 37. Price Walker 38. I. L. Heim 39. O. H. McGinnis 40. N. M. Ulmer 41. L. P. Ekard 42. Frank Hummel 43. M. D. Ulmer 44. Leo Hock 45. W. A. Albright 46. Fred Lehnherr 47. Charles Shultz 48. George Funk 49. F. P. Page 50. C. W. Sipe 51. Lee Roy Judd 52. C. H. McGinnis 53. Walter Ulmer 54. Sarah E. Ulmer 55. Israel Ulmer 56. Joseph G. Heim 57. H. W. Heim 58. W. I. ? 59. ? I. Draper 60. E. Ulmer 61. W. S. Bourne 62. Charles Wuster 63. ? 64. Joseph Ogle 65. John Ogle 66. S. B. Lee 67. Bethany U. B. Church 68. Mrs. A.W. Walker 69. R. W. Fouts 70. W. F. Stoltz 71. W. F. Stoltz 72. A. H. Utermohlen 73. N. B. Judd 74. Chris Wuster 75. Thomas Wuster 76. F. R. Porter 77. J. W. Clark 78. Dave Mountain 79. Jacob Ulmer 80. J. R. Miles 81. W. B. Miles 82. Ellis Newsom 83. ? 84. Mrs. M. L. Libbee 85. George Stiles 86. T. P. Cummins 87. John T. Draper 88. J. T. Waggener 89. ? 90. Mrs. Edith ? 91. Mrs. H. J. Shiers 92. J. S. Heim 93. J. A. Heim 94. J. W. Heim 95. S. F. Heim 96. N. N. Hill 97. Curtis J. Hill 98. Guy Snethen 99. Jacob Auch 100. Jacob Auch 101. ? 102. Frank Bernhardt 103. Owen Bradley 104. Anderson Triggs 105. J. W. Eckard 106. Mrs. A. H. Utermohlen 107. Mrs. G. C. Boyle 108. F. M. DeWeese 109. E. T. Libbee 110. Mrs. O. E. Bachman 111. – 177 Blank 178. R. L. Peerson 179. John Butler 180. O. O. Ayers 181. O. W. Burr 182. E. W. Buser 183. W. M. S. 184. Ladies Auxiliary of Heim Cemetery 185. D of H No. 29 186. W.C.T.U. 187. M.W. of A. No. 7836 188. M. W. of A. No. 7836 189. K & L of S No. 197 190. A. O. U. W. No. 201 191. I. O. O. F. Lodge 337 192. (closest square to the town of Dawson has the signatures of the supporting organization’s officers in 1914. Mrs. A. H. Utermohlen, President Mrs. G. C. Boyle, 1st. Vice President Carrie Harbough, 2nd Vice President Mrs. F. P. Page Minnie Rutz Mrs. George Smith June 1914 |