Samuel F. Heim Family. Back Row: Edwin Richards holding child, (Donajean), Tillie (Heim) Richards, Adah James, Samuel F. Heim, Floyd James, Elizabeth Heim, Fannie Heim. Children: Robert James, Harlan Richards, Ramona Richards. In front, Carl James. Date probably 1924. S.F. Heim home in background. SF Heim Family, around 1915. L to R: Adah, Louella, Samuel F., Tillie, Elizabeth, Melvin J., and Mary. One supposes that the sixth child, Richard A. cropped his own photo from the left. Adah Heim James, around 1935, SF Heim home. Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim. Elizabeth Heim, 17 or 18 years old. Samuel F. Heim with grandson, Lowell E. Heim. Elizabeth Heim stands on porch of family home Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim family. Children l to r: Louella, Adah, and Tillie. Melvin J. Heim, 1897-1982. Graduation photo, Dawson High School, 1915. Class Valedictorian. amuel F. Heim home, Dawson. 1889-1956. Patricia Belden Beck, daughter of Clark and Louella Belden. Harry S. Belden, son of Clark and Louella Heim Belden. Marilyn Ann Heim, adopted daughter of Richard A. Heim Richard A. Heim, 1905-1970. Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim, Circa 1939 Elizabeth Heim and Rebecca Heim Elizabeth Heim Samuel F. Heim Family. L to R: Adah, Samuel, Luella, Elizabeth, and Tillie. Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim Children. L to R: Mary Bilsing, Adah James, Richard A. Heim, Louella Belden, and Melvin J. Heim, about 1965. Tillie Heim Richards died at Culbertson, Nebraska in 1938. Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim. Golden Wedding Anniversary, February 1939. Front: Kenneth Heim, Keith Heim, Marilyn Heim, Janis Heim. Second row: S.F. Heim, Elizabeth Heim, Luella Heim Belden (with beads), Adah Heim James (arms folded), Robert E. James. Third Row: Alice Underkoffler Heim with Conwell, Melvin J. Heim, Fannie Heim (glasses), Donajean Richards, Evelyn Kincaid Richards with baby (Deanna?), Harlan Richards with Shirley. Fourth row: Richard A. Heim, Ramona Richards?, Lowell E. Heim, Edwin Richards.
Samuel F. Heim family and guests from Pennsylvania. Front row: Melvin Heim, Richard Heim, Unknown, Unknown. Standing: Elizabeth Heim, Samuel Heim, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Mary Heim, Unknown, Unknown. SF Heim law. (Man 4th from left, back row, appears in Emanuel Ulmer photos as unidentified. May be Sam Soloman.) Samuel F. Heim Family. Front L to R: Samuel F., Elizabeth, Adah James? Holding Carl with Robert in front, Mrs. Jacob S. Heim. Back: Richard A. Heim and Elma Heim (Griffiths). At SF Heim home, about 1920. Melvin J. Heim, with Maria Picco, his helper at the Mill, Humboldt, Nebraska. December 1972 Melvin J. Heim, age 26, standing by new home he was building in 1926. Married Dec. 25, 1923 Adah Heim James, 1892-1996. Daughter of Samuel F. and Elizabeth Heim. Photo taken at Battle Creek, Michigan, around 1962. Adah Heim James, Age 97, September 20, 1989. Taken at Battle Creek, Michigan. Fannie Drake (Mrs. Melvin J. Heim), age 19 (1922) at Drake family home northeast of Humboldt, NE. Melvin J. Heim home, north of Dawson. 1923-ca 1990. Moved to Falls City area. Mary Heim Bilsing and Melvin J. Heim, about 1906. Melvin J. Heim Family, about 1937. Back: Fannie, Lowell, Melvin. Front: Janis, Kenneth, and Keith. Melvin J. Heim family. Lowell, Fannie, Kenneth, Melvin, Keith, Janis. About 1945. Melvin Heim Family, about 1989. Kenneth, Fannie, Keith, and Lowell. Kenneth E. Heim, 1931-2000. Age 16? Kenneth E. Heim. Air Force, about 1951. Lowell E. Heim Family, about 1959. L to R: Charles R. Heim, Joseph E. Heim, Violet Heim holding Ann, Lowell E. Heim. Joseph Edward Heim, son of Lowell E. and Violet Kottich Heim. Born 9-7-1950. Charles R. Heim, son of Lowell E. and Violet Kottich Heim. Born 6-12-1952. Keith M. Heim, September 1962 AC 114. Keith and Kenneth Heim and new Farmall (F-20) tractor, about 1936.